Tea Tree Premium Essential Oil 12ml


Botanical Name: Premium Melaleuca alternifolia
Country of Origin: Australia

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Tea Tree is a great all round ‘medicine cabinet oil’ as it treats most all bacterial infections.

Aroma is Sharp, Fresh, Medicinal, Warm.

Australian Essential Oils Premium Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is one nature’s most effective and versatile healers.
Tea Tree oil is is a uniquely defined combination of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes and terpene alchols that give outstanding therapeutic properties and a long history of safe and effective use.
It is antimicrobial and antifungal

A sharp, fresh, reassuringly medicinal scented essential oil.

How To Use

Helps heal and soothe sunburns.

Heals skin infections naturally.

Relieves itchiness from rashes as well as helps reduce rashes.

Can be used as an all-purpose cleaner: Fill a “glass” spray bottle (which you can BUY HERE) with 1-2 tsp. of tea tree oil and the rest of the bottle with water.

Treats acne.

Helps to prevent lice naturally; just add a few drops to your shampoo.

A few drops in your pets’ crates or beds keep the fleas away.

Removes ticks; just add to skin, and the little stinker will usually unlatch.

Cures toenail fungus and Athlete’s foot.

Helps remove skin tags.

Naturally cures bad breath. (Swish some tea tree oil and water in you mouth.)

Can be used in a homemade toothpaste recipe.

Has been found as an effective treatment for warts.

Soothes insect bites.

Treats ringworm.

Treats psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Relieves asthma or other breathing conditions when a few drops are added to a humidifier.

Works as antiseptic on small cuts.

Keeps your bathroom fresh.

Relieves earaches; mix 1 drop of tea tree oil with 1 tsp. olive oil, drop mixture into the ear and then remove by tilting head.

Freshen laundry: Add a few drops in your washing machine to scent your clothes. Also, if you forgot to put the clothes in the dryer, run again with tea tree oil to remove mildew. You can also scent wool dryer balls with tea tree oil.

Helps freshen carpet.

Can be used in several homemade kitchen cleaners.

Kills mould: Mix apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil and spray on mould; place outside to sun-dry.

Can be used in a homemade natural deodorant.



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