Kunzea Essential Oil 12ml


Botanical Name: Kunzea ambigua
Country of Origin: Australia

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Kunzea ambigua essential oil, is relatively new to the rest of the world. Unlike Tea Tree oil, its aroma is very pleasant, it is almost always compared as ‘a smell of the Australian bush’.

Kunzea is commonly called Australian Tick Bush found growing on the coastal strips along New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania often forming dense thickets.  Kunzea is closely related to the genus Callistemon  – the bottle-brushes and also bears some similarity to Melaleuca and Leptospermum. One species also occurs in New Zealand – Kunzea ericoides, with the common name of Kanuka.

Australian animals are often found feeding and sleeping around Kunzea as this bush cleanses the animals ticks, lice and other parasites. Hence the popular name “tick bush”

Over recent years, a good number of anecdotal reports relative to the therapeutic benefits of Kunzea essential oil in a variety of common complaints:

For the temporary relief of the pain of arthritis and rheumatism; relief of the symptoms of influenza; Sinus headaches from allergens, relief of muscular aches and pains; helps relieve nervous tension, soft tissue bruising, stress and mild anxiety, mental exhaustion, gout and an excellent insect repellent. Kunzea Essential Oil has been tested and proven effective against staph, e-coli, and candida.

Kunzea essential oil contains a unique natural composition containing a high content of important sesquiterpene compounds. This has led to Kunzea 100% Pure Essential oil having been listed with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. Whilst there are numerous therapeutic benefits, the TGA state only their  allowable formal therapeutic claims.

Although I believe any words containing “tism” and “itis” is well suited to Kunzea

Key Points for TGA reference are:

  • The temporary relief of the pain of arthritis
  • Relief of the symptoms of influenza
  • Relief of muscular aches and pains
  • Helps relieve nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety
  • Temporary relief of the pain of rheumatism
  • Helps heal cuts and bruises

However, Dr. Daniel Pénoël, a renowned French physician who specialises in the therapeutic use of essential oils, gives high praise for Kunzea essential oil.
Dr Penoel discusses these and other therapeutic benefits and expands his views and usage.
Kunzea essential oil is Australia’s gift to the world for Natural Remedies.

Please see our blog Kunzea -Secrets on anecdotal evidence.

This Australian Botanical Native Essential Oil has many remarkable properties and is highly mentioned and promoted by world renowned aromatherapist Dr Daniel Peneol.

Supreme for tired joints and muscles. Relief from stress, anxiety, nervous tension and mental exhaustion.

How To Use

Kunzea ambigua essential oil has been listed with TGA for relief from, arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, insect bites and insect bite inflammation, symptoms of influenza and a great anti-septic. Kunzea essential oil is good for irritated skin, good for soft tissue bruising issues.

Blends With

Eucalyptus varieties, Fragonia, Lemon Myrtle, Rosalina and Tea Tree or Sandalwood.

Common Body System Uses

Circulatory: Arthritis/rheumatism, oedema.
Immune: Chicken pox, shingles, colds, fever.
Limbic: Mental fatigue.
Muscular: Aches, pains, pulled muscles.
Nervous: Headache, migraine, neuralgia.
Respiratory: Bronchitis, congestion, sinusitis, mucolytic.
Skin: Acne, athlete’s foot (and other fungal infections), bacterial infections, bad breath, burns, insect repellent, oily skin, lice.

Therapeutic Properties

Analgesic, anti-anxiety, anti-arthritic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral.

Chemical Profile

alpha-pinene 30-48%
18-cineole 15%
globulol 7-15%
viridifloral 6-12%
biocyclogermacene 4-6%
alpha-terpineol 1-4%


Also contains small amounts of spathulenol, citronellol, ledol, limonene, calamenene.

Kunzea Essential Oil has been tested and proven effective against staph, e-coli, and candida.

Energetics, Emotions and Chakras

2nd Chakra – Relationships, creation energy
4th Chakra – Unconditional love
5th Chakra – Speaking truth, expansive, protective, purifying


Kunzea ambigua was traditionally used by Aboriginal communities to relieve irritated skin, muscle tightness and pain.

Keep out of reach of children.
Store away from sunlight and below 30°.

Please also see our SAFETY FIRST detailed information.

Precautions: Robert Tisserand advises that there are no known hazards.  For external use only.
Avoid contact with eyes.
Non-toxic and non-irritant.
Avoid during pregnancy.
Keep out of reach of children.
Store below 30°C in a dry place away from direct sunlight.
Essential Oils are flammable.
If ailment persists seek medical advice.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided purely for informational purposes only, and does not in any way purport to be medical or prescriptive suggestions. Any reference to medicinal or health benefits is not meant to treat or diagnose any problem and is not meant to replace professional medical advice and should not take the place of any prescribed medication that has been prescribed by a physician.



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